
The High Cost of Deception

By Rae Antonette Loise D. Ballesteros | November 24, 2024

IN the highly competitive business world, many companies from various industries try their best to take the lead and maximize their market share. Businesses use a range of marketing strategies to get the public's attention, and people are prone to easily believe in such claims and "promises."

     New and well-established companies implement different marketing strategies to pique people's interest. Some maximize the use of traditional marketing, such as print advertisements and billboards, while others focus on creating content using their social media platforms. However, some brands go beyond what is "ethical" and publish misleading claims about their products and services just for the sake of sales.

     In context, false advertising occurs when a business disseminates deceptive information about its brand in an attempt to convince people that its product offerings are of high quality even though they are not. 

     So, is false advertising unethical? Yes. This type of marketing strategy can negatively impact the company’s brand image as it could appear untrustworthy and dishonest. Since they provide misleading or exaggerated information about their offerings, people will get disinterested and lose trust in the brand as their expectations differ from the quality of what they received. As one’s trust begins to decline, so does loyalty. Once this happens, then the company’s financial health will most likely crumble if its marketing strategies are not improved. 

     In the case of companies, it could be an unethical strategy since it takes advantage of the people, but this could be their only way to make profits in the competitive business world. However, this strategy only gives the company a short-term advantage since the customers will most likely not return because of what they experienced. 

     With this, it is important to remember that a strong ethical foundation is the main ingredient for long-term success, whether in business or other fields, as it will help you establish people's trust and maintain your positive reputation in your industry. 

     Regardless of whether the intention is good or bad, deception is still deception, and there are consequences to our actions. 

     If you are in the position, will you take a risk for a short-term gain but a long-term loss?