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COCOPEA holds Press Conference, shares stance on foreign ownership, and recommends the next DepEd secretary

COCOPEA holds Press Conference, shares stance on foreign ownership, and recommends the next DepEd secretary

THE Coordinating Council of Private Educational Associations (COCOPEA) held a press conference to discuss pressing matters in the private education sector last July 1.

Tertiary Schools are Now PAASCU Reaccredited!

Tertiary Schools are Now PAASCU Reaccredited!

AFTER the formal resurvey visit to San Beda College Alabang (SBCA) by the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges, and Universities (PAASCU) on April 4 and 5, the results were finally released last June 5.

Religious Education Department launches “KaPaTid” Immersion Program

THE Religious Education Department, in partnership with the Institutional Community Involvement Center (ICIC), launched the immersion program, “KaPaTid: Kasama Pa rin ang haTid” for students enrolled in the theology subject, GEN-ET (Ethics: Being and Society).


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Ab(STAIN): Dirt in The Name of Leadership

Ab(STAIN): Dirt in The Name of Leadership

AT the end of every election, one thing will always be – an ever-present choice: to abstain. A brief review of the history of campus elections for the Tertiary Schools shows one consistent thing: student apathy, and domination of abstention.…

Voice Unbound: FREE PRESSED

Voice Unbound: FREE PRESSED

Who would amplify the students' voices if autonomy were stripped from the student press? School publications represent students' democratic rights and an expression of press freedom on campus. The campus press has imbued many with a thirst for truth and…

Hidden in Plain Sight: The OVP’s Confidential Funds

Hidden in Plain Sight: The OVP’s Confidential Funds

THE Office of the Vice President (OVP) requested P500 million from Confidential and Intelligence Funds (CIF) and P150 million for the Department of Education (DepEd) for the 2024 budget. As such, high-ranking government officials have asked for it throughout the…


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For Degrees, I Digress

For Degrees, I Digress

BY now, everybody has probably seen the online discourse about whether a degree is necessary for a successful life. While some self-made influencer-entrepreneurs push a narrative of how the knowledge obtained in the academe isn’t necessary for practice, I’d like…

Blessing in Disguise

Blessing in Disguise

READING has been a hobby of mine since I was in elementary which eventually adapted my love for creative writing. After entering Junior High School in Riyadh, I joined our school’s publication to further develop my passion for writing. Through…

In Defense of Being OA

In Defense of Being OA

“ANG OA NG MGA BATA NGAYON,” a common observation that many adults point out on various social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Rants about Generation Z being too sensitive or being “woke” when it comes to different issues…


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‘PRIDE’ at the Dawn of Diversity

‘PRIDE’ at the Dawn of Diversity

STANDING proud in the limelight of June is a band of individuals fighting for a deep cause in the ongoing struggle for recognition and equality. With their rainbow flags raised and their identities on full display, Pride Month in the…

Presbitero’s Podium Finish: A Bedan Kyokushin Strike

Presbitero’s Podium Finish: A Bedan Kyokushin Strike

ADRIAN Kenneth Presbitero (IV-BAP) roared loud and proud at the recently concluded 3rd Asian Open Championship of the World Kyokushin Budokai Karate in Kazakhstan last May 3-5, 2024. Ranking third among all the international competitors, Presbitero brandished his expertise with…

Why stan BINI!

Why stan BINI!

P-POP WAVE is rising, and BINI is at its crest, capturing hearts and dominating the spotlight. An eight-member girl group managed by ABS-CBN’s Star Magic consisting of Aiah, Colet, Maloi, Gwen, Stacey, Mikha, Jhoanna, and Sheena that has been steadily…


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DLSL Takes Over SBCA in Final Game for NCAA Season 25

DLSL Takes Over SBCA in Final Game for NCAA Season 25

PULSING with excitement, an intense showdown between De La Salle Lipa (DLSL) and San Beda College Alabang (SBCA) faced off in the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) Season 25 Men’s Volleyball match last June 17. DLSL dominated the game through…

Overcoming a Season-ending Loss

Overcoming a Season-ending Loss

THE San Beda College Alabang (SBCA) Men’s Basketball team fell short in securing victory on their home court against the Lyceum of the Philippines University - Batangas (LPUB), scoring 76-83, last June 17.

SBCA Women’s Volleyball team falls short against DLSL

WITH a score of 0-3, the SBCA Women’s Volleyball team failed to defend the Lion’s Den after they lost a match against De La Salle Lipa (DLSL) last June 17, held at their home court during the team’s final game…