
Graphic by Yuri Morrison & Louise Mansing

The BedAN Party

By Yuri Andrei Morrison  | April 19, 2024

THE BEDistang Aktibong Naglilingkod (BedAN) party has had a history of going up against the ROAR party, being the only two recognized parties from the past numerous elections. Currently the only party in the running, the BedAN party continues to lead the Student Executive Council (SEC) after the pandemic. Its slate with a new set of faces, save for a few, will face the spotlight as they stride towards their positions. Get to know them, their goals, and their aspirations as they answer questions from THE BEDAN HERALD.

        The Running President

        Kyle Justine Cruz (III-BSBA-MM) leads the party as their president. She has realized her potential after spending some time within the SEC. Through her time in the SEC as the Second Year Representative and Secretary, she gained experience in leadership, which opened an opportunity for her to identify how she could better serve the Bedan Community. To inspire others to grow beyond their walls, Cruz pushes boundaries as an exemplary model by running for the presidency. She acknowledges the duty in her position and the need to view diverse perspectives, evaluate proposed actions, and consider potential outcomes. 

        The Second in Command

        Atassia Soliveres (III-BAIS), the Internal Vice President of the BedAN Party, is a passionate advocate for student empowerment within the student community, aiming to foster strong relationships that facilitate collaboration. An optimist, Tassia sets her sights on voicing the concerns of her fellow students, raising inclusivity, and enriching the school experience through projects. To enhance the connections within the community, Tassia plans to organize team-building activities, seminars, and “Kamustahan” sessions with the Council of Student Leaders.

        The Secretariat

        Isabella Shane Talusan has taken note and taken the role of BedAN Party’s secretary. She is a psychology student committed to advocating for mental health awareness. She emphasizes its importance in the student body, wanting to ensure that her constituents feel heard and supported. Shane has consistent experience in leadership, having engaged with the council in her youth. Despite her supposed experience, Talusan still strives to improve her leadership skills, driven by her desire to contribute to the community's well-being. Under her projects, she aims to implement the use of Google Calendar and Notion and interactive seminars.

        The Safekeeper

        As of writing, THE BEDAN HERALD has not received a response from the BedAN Party candidate for the treasurer position, Archimedes Dingle (II-BSE).

        The Checks and Audits

        Charlene Beatrice Talayaratne (I-BAIS-T) is the previous First Year Level Representative of the SEC. In this upcoming election, she is the party's running Auditor. She aims to instill honesty and transparency and is a visionary leader for change. With a passion for leading, Talyrante finds joy in projects that make the community happy, to which she says,  “I want to challenge myself once again. “

        The Relations Officer

        Cheska Ann Madieline Panganiban Maitim (I-BACMS), or Madie, is the party's Public Relations Officer (PRO). Maitim realized her purpose after staying at SBCA for some time. She wants to raise social awareness within the community and media literacy. With experience in various fields, Maddie contemplated well before passing in her application for candidacy. She made sure to herself that she could balance being a part of Beda.Comm, the co-curricular organization of the CMS department and the Senior Cheerleading Varsity. She believes that having a positive connection with the students is essential for any student leader. As the running PRO, her goal is to help Bedans develop healthy relationships with one another.

        The Juniors’ Level Representative

        Margrethe Francisco (II-BSE) is an incoming third-year student who advocates unity and inclusivity and aims for a unified community. “I want them to feel that we are all together .” She says she ran for the SEC not only to help the students but also to develop her leadership skills, grow, and prepare for future endeavours. 

        The student leaders who dared to face the challenges of the Council are looking at a challenging year ahead, but the first problem they must face is winning over the students' votes. To the students who will be voting, the author wishes – even begs, for you to truly dissect and analyze the projects and platforms the candidates will present in the coming days. While your friends/bets may have their wins and positions soon, let us remember that they are also the people who shall stand as voices for the students' concerns, and may the echoes of these voices fall not on unhearing ears. 

Volume 29 | Issue 4