By Nathan Manaog | May 11, 2023
By Nathan Manaog | May 11, 2023
THE San Beda College Alabang (SBCA) Futsal team endured a tough defeat of 5-1 as they went head-to-head with the University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P) dragons in the Men’s National Collegiate Athletic Association (MNCAA) Season 19. The match was livestreamed on UA&P’s Futsal Varsity Facebook page last Apr. 22.
During the first half, SBCA took the first possession and both teams struggled to pass the ball to each other. But soon after the players were well settled on the futsal court, ball handling momentum then followed as the match progressed. SBCA was able to get a close attempt at their first goal but was readily blocked by UA&P’s goalkeeper and captain, Raj Marfori. Both teams were already eager to score a goal, which pushed every player, especially the goalkeepers, to display such great defense. UA&P decided to up their game by exhibiting impressive ball rotation and making 14 goal attempts, two of which were successful close range shots by the end of the first half. Meanwhile, SBCA was only able to create six shot attempts due to the exceptional defense of their opponent.
At the start of the second half, UA&P garnered the possession. As they continually fired a barrage of shots, they were able to overwhelm SBCA with 12 more shot attempts. They added three more goals to their score while SBCA only scored one by the end of the match.
THE BEDAN HERALD interviewed Timothy Montesa, a member of SBCA’s Futsal Varsity, who shared that the lack of communication and trust during the game is what “caused our team to lose.” He added that a majority of their roster are new to the league so there might be nerves that they need to conquer first to showcase their full potential. In light of their team’s defeat, Montesa tackled the importance of communication. “The team should focus on relying on one another and communicating in order for us to all be on the same page and help us bounce back.”
Volume 28 | Issue 5